Dysfunctional Synonym Finder (DSF) What can you do with this? Well, originally this function was here to find synonyms of words. The idea was to translate them into the other language and back, hoping it would be a good way to find synonyms. When I filled in fish, one of the things that came back was chickens, so needless to say the system is just too unpredictable. Now this function is just a sort of gimmick which will occasionally give you synonyms.
oever--> | | | | (margin)--> | kantlijn leirand vak speelruimte kant marge marge,speelruimte oever rand, kant rand
| | (edge)--> | hoek vertex kantrechten flank kant snede rib ribbe rand kant, rand, zoom oever boord kust wal walkant band waterkant zoom afkant rand stootkanten
| | (shore)--> | stut stutten on shore=aan land kust, oever, strand kant oever boord wal kust kustlijn walkant waterkant zeekant zeekust oever schoor
| | (border)--> | rand kader begrenzen kant, rand, zoom zoom landsgrens band boord kant oever wal walkant waterkant rand grens
| | (bank)--> | tussenvoorraad buffervoorraad bank berm oever, boord kant oever plaat wal walkant waterkant zandbank zandplaat bank oever (bedienings)paneel draaien/overhellen/slagzij maken hellingshoek helling dwarshelling ophoging
| | (bank)--> | tussenvoorraad buffervoorraad bank berm oever, boord kant oever plaat wal walkant waterkant zandbank zandplaat bank oever (bedienings)paneel draaien/overhellen/slagzij maken hellingshoek helling dwarshelling ophoging
| | (shore)--> | stut stutten on shore=aan land kust, oever, strand kant oever boord wal kust kustlijn walkant waterkant zeekant zeekust oever schoor